Monday, November 18, 2013

The "Perfect" Holiday

There’s something about the holidays that just gets me. I hear all these magical Christmas songs about a white Christmas, walking hand-in-hand with your man, garland and snow cascading everywhere you look.. It sets up the most amazing picture of the “Perfect Christmas.” I don’t know about you, but I haven’t had a Christmas that the songs describe. Let me clarify, I LOVE listening to those Christmas songs. (Its November 17th and I have already started listening to them. Judge me.) But sometimes I have a tendency to be disappointed if my holidays or Christmas doesn’t turn out like I hear in the songs. Obviously I know it’s just a song that was made up, but I know I am not the only one who dreams of a perfect Christmas like in the songs! Admit it people!

But in reality, the holidays can be hard for many families. It is such a happy time to celebrate, but it’s also hard because there are families with missing loved ones. Maybe a father or son is off fighting for our freedom, or families couldn’t fly across the country to see you, or a family member has passed away. It can be sad to have those memories without some of our loved ones there. I have struggled through the past few holidays as well and it just doesn’t seem like the holidays are “perfect” anymore. But we are making new traditions and memories now! We will always have to adapt to change in our lives and this is a part of it. What makes the holidays so great now is remembering what I DO have and the family members and friends that are still with me! We can have the perfect Christmas by just looking around and seeing how God’s hand has placed all the blessings in your life.  

Today was particularly a difficult day for me and I just couldn’t stop thinking about my mom! Most days are great and I don’t hurt too much anymore. But for some reason, this morning I was just overwhelmed with utter sadness and loss. Nothing caused it, today wasn’t a special day for any reason. But when you just push down all the hard feelings, it tends to all build up. I know the “three-year mark” of my mom passing away is coming up and it kind of feels like it looms over your head until it is over because everyone knows how hard that day is going to be. I had to miss a class and just come home, lay on the couch and have a cry fest.

Three years without seeing my mom feels like an eternity, but I am constantly filled with peace because I know I’ll see her again. There is a song called “Christmas in Heaven” by Scotty McCreery I keep listening to. The first time I heard it I balled like a baby, but it just describes what our loved ones are experiencing for Christmas in Heaven. I highly encourage you to go listen to it! I love the picture he paints of the “snow falling down on the streets of gold and the mansions all covered in white.” I would sure love to see how Christmas is for them! It hit me today, the perfect Christmas songs I’ve been hearing on the radio sure do sound like the Christmas the angels are experiencing in Heaven. If that’s true, I sure cannot wait to get there! But it will be FAR greater than the perfection I can come up with in my head! Hard to believe isn’t it?

So here’s to happy holidays and happy memories yet to come. If you are missing someone these holidays, you are not alone! They should be remembered and missed. But I would also encourage you to look around and see what you do have, you would be surprised your long list of things you are thankful for if you sat down and wrote them out!!

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