Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dinner with the Professors

Well last night was one of my favorite nights of the trip. Our photography professor invited the students to have a potluck dinner at his house and it was not what we expected at all. We showed up to the house to see gorgeous cast iron gates opening into the courtyard where tall gorgeous bright green tress towered over and the villas surrounding the courtyard were covered in vines. 
This is definitely not what we expected our professors house to look like. All of the villas in the courtyard belong to large families of Italians. It is there culture to all live close together. When we got back to our professors villa, he told us it used to be a stable for horses but has now been remade into a house. It was gorgeous because the walls and the floors had still been kept the same and you could see where they added a kitchen and a suitable ceiling for a house. Our professors wife made chili and each student brought other food. We had bruschetta, pizza, spaghetti and the most delicious tomato cheese and pesto dip. After getting stuffed with food, we stayed a while longer just to talk and hang out before going back home to crash in bed. 
We are hoping our professor invites us back for more dinners before the trip is over :)

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