Tuesday, June 12, 2012

We are starting our second week here in Florence and we are all still loving it!! It feels like we have been here much longer than two weeks but the trip is flying by at the same time. There have been so many wonderful memories already! Looking at the schedule, there is still much more to see!

Now, please excuse me but it is time to vent.. Walking around Florence can be a bit challenging. Not only are the streets confusing and identical but we almost get hit by either a bike or a car every five minutes, so it is really important to be paying attention all the time. And the Italians don't move to walk around you, you are expected to move for them or you will get one nasty glare. No one on the trip has gotten pick pocketed which is wonderful but we have to watch out for creepy Italians too. The Italians and the gypsies all work together. I discovered yesterday that I miss the American service at restaurants. Usually when they bring your meal 30 minutes later than everyone else's then they would give you a discount but that is definitely not the case here. You still have to pay for it and everyone at the table has to wait for you to eat.

I know I am sounding negative right now but all that goes to say that living here isn't always easy.
We were talking to our professor yesterday and he was explaining to us that while being here, we will all hit a wall at some point. That can be different for each person but sometimes I just wish I could walk across the street to Target and pick up whatever I need and for the whole trip to only take 10 minutes. Here, that is not the case. Just trying to find one shop can take an hour.

Now, I say all of this and PLEASE don't misunderstand me. I know I am the most blessed person to have gotten to come on this trip. I know people would kill to be able to come study abroad in a gorgeous city, and I also know that very few people ever get a chance like this. So trust me when say I have been living it up and I don't take one second of this for granted. The things I have gotten to see are spectacular and who knows if I will ever see it again.

My point being was that all of my posts before this were "I am having the trip of a lifetime and everything is perfect." And while yes, the trip is WONDERFUL, it can also be hard too. I'm pretty sure every person on this trip can back me up when I say that flexibility must be learned while on this trip, and at times, the patience will be tested. How else will you grow as a person if challenges like these don't ever come your way?

I have learned so much while being here and even coming here was out of my comfort zone and that is a huge reason why I came. A huge part of learning life is stepping out of your comfort zone. I only knew one person on the trip, but I was completely okay with that because I wanted to meet new people.

I know God has his hand over us here and He has been protecting us the whole way. I am so thankful for all the prayers and support while being here. They have truly gotten me through!
I promise the next post won't be as long!

This next weekend we are going to Venice and I cannot wait! More updates on that later!

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