Thursday, June 28, 2012

Well it officially our last week in Florence and we are turning in our last few assignments for our writing and photography class. I can't even explain how much of a whirlwind this trip has been but I look back with wonderful memories from all our trips to different cities in Italy. It is hard to describe our trip in just a few words because so many things happened. But I have all my pictures to go back and look through.

My brother Taylor is here visiting me this week and we have had so much fun! We have climbed the tower of the Duomo, toured Florence, went to Siena, went shopping and have eaten amazing food! I love getting the chance to show him what I have seen and learned while studying here in Italy. I showed him every amazing gelato place in Florence and he has tried all of them!

Yesterday we had a day trip to Siena which was neat since we both had never been there before. Honestly, I was expecting rolling hills and countryside when we got to Siena but it actually a really neat city! I think we realized we should have set up a guided tour because we had no idea where we were going or what the important things were to see but after getting a map, we figured out the main churches and squares to see.

We decided to go in a ceramics store and the owner of the workshop talked our ear off! His name was Leonardo and he was so sweet! He told us it was so nice to meet friendly Americans...which is a compliment to me and Taylor but I was kind of taken aback that he hadn't met a nice American! Anyways, he showed us all of his ceramics pieces that he had made and about how long each piece takes to make. The more paint on it, the longer it takes in the oven.

One of the main squares in Siena was Piazza del Campo and that is where the famous horse races are held every year. The event is called Siena Palio and the horses chosen race from the divided neighborhoods (or contradas) in Siena. These races have been tradition since 1656 and each contrada has a name and a flag.

We leave from Italy the day before the horse races but it would have been really neat to see!

Now that the Italy trip is almost over, I have already been looking forward to my trip to Africa with my family! Me and Taylor leave to fly to Africa on the day that my school group goes back to the states. We will meet the rest of my family in the airport in London and then we continue on to Zambia together! I don't know what to expect at all but I have learned flexibility while being in Italy so I am keeping an open mind and looking forward to whatever this week in Africa has to offer!

For those who don't know, my family and I are going to the opening ceremony of a house that has been built in memory of my mom and another house that has been built in memory of my grandpa (Papa Jim). I know it will be an emotional week but I am looking forward to it because I know how loved my mom and grandpa would feel to know they have a house named after them in Africa. We will meet the family that moves in and see the orphanage that the houses were built in.

That's about all I know about the trip but I will post again about the trip when I get back home to the states!

Until then, we are packing and cleaning our apartments in Italy and rushing to get all of our assignments turned in before our 4AM departure to the airport on Sunday!

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